Special Note: This long-time Houston dealer has closed. Remaining equipment will be liquidated. Items have been added to make this a complete sale.
New Items: Gas flat grill, gas fryer, gas range, three compartment sinks, hand sinks, S/S tables, refrigerated showcase, pan racks, faucets, juice bubbler, CT warmers, pre-rinse…
Used Equipment: Hotdog grills, hotdog warmers, steam kettle, open display cases, ALTO SHAAM cook and hold, TOASTMASTER heated cabinet, WARING blender base, re-thermalizer, VULCAN steam jacket kettle, MANNHART food processor, ice chipper, full-size sheet pan rolling racks, Espresso machine, coffee maker, BEVERAGE AIR under-counter fridge, WINCO food carrier, nacho cheese dispensers, STAR-HOLMAN conveyor oven, countertop novelty freezer, countertop glass door merchandiser, HATCO warmer, TURBO CHEF oven, LANG half size convection oven, MERRY CHEF oven, dunnage rack, AMERICAN bulk coffee brewer, SUPER SYSTEMS oven/proofer, water dispenser base, TRUE glass door merchandiser, ice machines, charbroilers, ovens, coolers, counters, flat grills, char-broilers, HATCO toaster and MUCH MORE.
Smallware: Glassware, tumblers, flatware, sugar packet holders, vases, silver plate, faucets, order slides, fast food baskets, coffee decanters, food pans, oven racks, stock pots, fryer baskets, thermometers, bus tubs, squeeze bottles and MUCH MORE.